Previous Ceremonies Held by Swanfeather

Water Blessing Ceremony

The Water Blessing Ceremony was held in a 9 Pointed Star formation in the Spring of 2010.  This was a world-wide ceremony held simultaneously all over the globe, with a number of sacred bodies of water around the world.  The 9 pointed star formation included Lake Chad in Afrika, Lake Titicaca in Peru, Lake Tahoe in California, Lake Superior on both the US and Canadian sides, Lake Issyk-kul in Kyrgyzstan, Lake Baikal in Russia and Lake MacKay in Australia.  The center point of the star formation was in Galveston, Texas in the Gulf of Mexico to help all the water in the world heal and in particular the Gulf after the Oil Rig disaster in that happened a few weeks before the ceremony.

I connected the 9 points around the world to 9 points around the lower mainland area of Vancouver British Columbia at Whiterock, Tsawwassen, Fraser River in Ladner, Jericho Beach, Ambleside Park, Cates Park, Rocky Point and Fort Langley.  The centre point was in Bear Creek Park – Surrey.

Crystals were placed in the water, with a second crystal in a jar that was then filled with water from each area.  After we travelled around the world/lower mainland – connecting to and blessing all these places, we then poured all the water and crystals into Bear Creek…
Fire Ceremony
This ceremony was held on 7 consecutive days between March 28th and April 3 2011.  The first fire was lit in Cairo Egypt, which was to stay burning for the entire seven days. This was to be a portal from which all released Karma could leave the world, including the First World’s ancient Karma.  Each consecutive day – the fire was to burn off each level of Karma and the Second Worlds Karma was burned off in Russia, the Third was in Australia, the Fourth was in Canada, the Fifth was in South America, the Sixth was in India and the Seventh and final fire was in the United States.
I created a special 7 candle centerpiece and sat in sacred ceremony for each of the seven days.  In addition, on each of these days I invited Goddess Energies to assist with this work.  Starting on the first day with Diana, Goddess of Fire and each day asking another Goddess to join us, including Astrea, Goddess of Purity; Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy; Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth; Portia, Goddess of Justice; Theosophia, Goddess of Wisdom and finally Amerissis, Goddess of Light.
A secondary purpose for these ceremonies was to acknowledge and transfer the connection of fire from the masculine (Grandfather Fire) to the feminine (Grandmother Fire)…
Earth Ceremony
I was called to build a full-size , 7 turn Labyrinth in the fall of 2011 after the fire ceremony  – although I wasn’t completely sure why.    In the spring of 2012 I understood the purpose of the Labyrinth.  In June of 2012 there was to be a Venus Transit, which was the second of a set of 2 transits in a relatively short timeframe.  (Twin transits only happen about once ever 100 years).
On this second transit – it was understood that the “Rainbow Goddess”, meaning a combination of all the divine femine aspects, were consciously connecting together in order to flood the world with Ether (the 5th element, which is scientifically and literally spirit in matter).
On the morning of the transit, I walked the labyrinth, opened a circle and planted my staff in the ground.  This Staff, which I had been guided to make in the fall of 2010 between the water and fire ceremonies, has 3 Lemurian Crystals in the top.  The Staff acted as a conductor to anchor in this beautiful healing energy that flowed into our dimension for the entire day.  After the transit ended in the evening, I closed the circle and removed the staff.
1st Phase of the 3-Star Ceremony
At the end of 2013, I read a book called The Crystal Grid and realized that I had actually made a crystal light grid over the lower mainland area of Vancouver.  Within 2 weeks, I met a woman who not only understood what I was doing by all these ceremonies, but encouraged me to consciously “upload” this network of light to the existing network that has been put together in many stages and by many people, since the Harmonic Conversion in 1987.
At the time I was told that this was a 2-part ceremony.  The first part was to upload the crystal light grid and the second part was to seed a further ceremony (although  I did not know what that was going to be when making plans for the first part).  I created a 6-pointed star using crystals (these 6 points plus the center represented the 7 locations of the fire ceremonies).   I also laid out a 9 pointed star (using hemp), which represented the water blessing network and uploaded.
Also laid out was a 12 pointed star (also with hemp, but this time burying crystals at each of the 12 points and many crystals and things buried in the center.  This was to “plant the seed” for the second phase of the 3-Star Ceremony (and the details for this started coming to me during part one).
In addition to all the crystals buried in the center point of this formation is a list of all first nations from British Columbia and much of the list was read aloud during the ceremony. 
Wind Ceremony
For the day after the Spring Equinox 2014, I held a wind ceremony.  This ceremony was to Honor the Wind, as it was important for me to complete the honoring of the fourth element and to complete all directions of the sacred circle.
The ceremony is also connected to the 3-star formation and to previous ceremonies.  To bring in additional love and healing energy, the 33 rocks from the center of the labyrinth were planted in a circle around the 3-star formation buried earlier in the year.
The wind was also intended to “breathe life” into the second phase of the 3-Star Ceremony, which will be held on August 23, 2014.

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