The Nine Pointed Star

The Nine Pointed Star represents the Baha'i Faith, and is shown depicted in the midst of the nine world religions.  Baha'i 's believe all the world's major religions are part of God's continuing revelation of His Will for Humankind.

They believe each individual has a right and an obligation to pursue truth independently, free of coercion and so religious freedom is essential for the progress of Humanity.  The Nine Pointed Star is shown here in the center of the world's religious symbols to express the belief that the Baha'i Revelation fulfills the prophesies found in the scriptures of all past religions.

The Nonagram, or Nine Point Star Pendant is a symbol of achievement and of stability.  In Christian symbolism, it indicates the nine gifts of the spirit:  love, happiness, peace, patience, leniency, benevolence, trustworthiness, gentleness and temperance.  In esoteric kabbalistic doctrine, it represents the sphere of Yesod, the moon, dreams and illusions.

Nine is the number of known planets in the Solar System, it is also the number by which Egyptians grouped their deities, and it also represents the nine Taoist kanji (psychic centres) which are similar to the Hindu chakras.

Nine, as the highest single-digit number, symbolizes completeness.  The Baha'i Faith regards humanity as an organic entity which has developed through its embryonic state to infancy, then to adolescence and is now coming of age, which is the statement of fulfilment.  So likewise, the number nine reflects a sense of fulfilment or culmination and perfection.

Glory to God and all his infinite gems of wisdom...
Blessings, Love and Light,